2001 - 2004

The Tea Bag
Acrylic on Canvas

Now go do what it tells you.

Mod podge, puzzle pieces, and paint on wood board.

Virgin Whore Complex

Mod podge and paint on wood board

Michael and Child
Mod podge and paint on wooden board

Michael's Frame
glued pieces of things

There wasn't much to this - paint on a mod podged image on wood board

How to Love Yourself
Oil on canvas

an old design-sketch
At 16, bored in class. (before 2001)

1 comment:

  1. I liked the "vibe" you demonstrated in your writing. The artwork is similar. :-)
    Searching is often mistaken with seeking.
    When we know that something is out there but not exactly what it is, we use our expression to tell us what it is by the way that we perceive our reality.
    The artist only suffers his talent when it uses him.
    The answers await only our intention.
